Staff handbook: guidance and examples

Save yourself time by reading what to include in your staff handbook, and using our examples from schools for inspiration.

Last reviewed on 13 October 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 1079
  1. What to include
  2. Examples from schools 

What to include

A staff handbook should bring together any of the employment information that employees need to know which doesn't change too often. 

You should organise your handbook in a way that will help new (and existing) staff easily find the information they need.

Review the handbook regularly – for example, every term – to make sure that all the information it contains is accurate and up to date.

Make sure it's easily accessible for staff – for example, on your school website.

There are no specific requirements for staff handbooks

All staff must read section 1 of Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE), but otherwise there are no requirements on what documents or policies staff members need to read.

School context  This includes the: Number of pupils on roll  % of pupils eligible for