Examinations officer: interview questions

Download and adapt our example interview questions for an examinations officer. Questions cover topics including skills, running exams, planning and management, working with other staff, and how to respond to different scenarios.

Last reviewed on 30 January 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 46043
  1. Choose from our list of interview questions
  2. Ask KeyGPT for personalised questions 

Choose from our list of interview questions

Use our list of questions, which includes tips on what to look for in a response..

Questions cover areas including:

  • Skills
  • Exams
  • Planning and management
  • Working with other staff
  • Scenarios

Use this template during the interview to record and evidence score the candidates' responses.

KeyDoc: examinations officer interview questions and record sheet DOC, 236.5 KB

We also have a model job description for an examinations officer, which you can use alongside the interview questions.

Ask KeyGPT for personalised questions 

KeyGPT, our AI-powered assistant, can generate more examples of interview questions suitable for an examinations officer, based on what it knows about your school and what you tell it about the role. Just adapt the prompts in our interview questions wizard and see what it suggests.