Cover supervisor: interview questions

Use these questions and our template interview record sheet to help you select the best person for a cover supervisor position. Plus, know what to look for in candidates' answers.

Last reviewed on 11 February 2022
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 3654
  1. Choose from our list of interview questions
  2. Ask KeyGPT for personalised questions 

Choose from our list of interview questions

KeyDoc: interview questions and record sheet for a cover supervisor DOCX, 130.6 KB

Use our questions when recruiting for a cover supervisor, and adapt them to fit your school's needs. If you're adding questions, think about:

  • What's in the job description and person specification, so you know what skills you want candidates to demonstrate
  • Any unique challenges in your school that the person would need certain skills to handle
  • Any skills gaps you've had with past cover supervisors that you'd like to avoid

Ask KeyGPT for personalised questions 

KeyGPT, our AI-powered assistant, can generate more examples of interview questions suitable for a cover supervisor, based on what it knows about your school and what you tell it about the role. Just adapt the prompts in our interview questions wizard and see what it suggests.