Exit interviews: template and guidance

Exit interviews can help you find out why staff are leaving and could improve staff retention in the future. Use our template and see examples of policies from a school and a local authority.

Last reviewed on 5 June 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 9796
  1. Download our exit interview questionnaire
  2. There is no statutory requirement to hold interviews
  3. Be transparent about the procedure for exit interviews
  4. See examples of exit policies

Download our exit interview questionnaire

Use this template and add further questions specific to your school's setting. Use the questions as prompts in an exit interview or give the document to the exiting staff member as a questionnaire to fill in. 

KeyDoc: exit interview template DOC, 189.0 KB

There is no statutory requirement to hold interviews

If you choose to hold them, be consistent and aim to hold an exit interview with all staff who leave. Set out your process in a relevant policy, such as a staff induction policy, or recruitment and retention policy, if you have them.

Employees can choose not to take part, and you should make it clear that the interview is optional.

What's the point of an exit interview?

You want to get honest feedback on the person's experiences working at the school, so you can see where improvements can be made. Explain this when inviting them to an interview.

Make sure