Admissions and roll

Admissions processes and appeals

7 articles
  • Admission appeals
    Parents and carers can appeal admission decisions. Be clear on how to handle appeals, get details on how the full appeals process works, and download our template appeal outcome letter.
  • Admission to reception: deferring entry
    Learn about parents' rights to delay when their child starts school and what's involved in the process for summer-born children.
  • Challenging the placement of a pupil with SEND: guidance and checklist
    There will be times when you can't meet the needs of a pupil with an education, health and care (EHC) plan. Understand your requirements and use our checklist to help you make the best case to your LA if you want to challenge a pupil's placement at your school.

Managing the PAN

1 articles

Managing the roll

1 articles
  • Dual registration of pupils
    Understand what having a dual registered pupil at your school means for you. Find out how to register them for exams and on your school census, and where to go for information about funding.