What is CFR and who is it for?
The consistent financial reporting (CFR) framework applies to:
- Maintained schools
- Pupil referral units (PRUs)
It's optional for nurseries and non-maintained special schools.
There's a standard template for you to use to collect information about income and expenditure by financial years. If you're a maintained school, your governing board needs to provide this to your local authority (LA) in a financial statement each year.
The information:
- Supports benchmarking
- Allows governors and LAs to produce simple reports
Read more in the guidance from the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA).
Key changes for 2024-25
Additional information will be collected about spend in key areas of technology.
The following sections of the guidance have been updated as a result:
CE04: information and communication technology This category has been split into sub-categories to collect the additional information needed about ICT expenditure. The new sub-categories are: CE04A: Connectivity CE04B: Onsite servers CE04C: Administration software