Service level agreements: template and examples

Download and adapt our service level agreement template. See examples of SLAs used by schools and get guidance on determining the responsibilities of each party.

Last reviewed on 16 March 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 8736
  1. Download our template
  2. Examples
  3. Governor approval of SLAs
  4. Determining responsibilities of the school and the provider
  5. Procurement: good practice and guidance

Download our template

Adapt this template to suit your school and the type of service provided.

KeyDoc: template for service level agreement (SLA) DOC, 182.5 KB

We worked with 2 of our associate education experts, Jaimini Lakhani and Martin Owen, to produce it.


SLA for supporting struggling pupils 

Darlington Borough Council publishes a template SLA on its website that sets out the responsibilities of schools and alternative provision (AP) providers when a pupil goes out on AP.

Find the template by clicking on 'alternative education provision service level agreement and individual learning plan.' 

SLA for school libraries

Hampshire County Council has SLAs for primary and secondary schools, as well as special schools.

Governor approval of SLAs

For example, you may have set a threshold level whereby purchases over a certain amount require governing board sign