Contracts register: template

Use our template contracts register to keep a record of all of your school's contracts and service level agreements in one place.

Last reviewed on 7 May 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 33784
  1. Download our template
  2. What is a contracts register?
  3. It's good practice for both maintained schools and academy trusts
  4. What information should it include?
  5. Use the contracts register to help manage your contracts
  6. Share the register regularly with your governing board/trustees

This article is based on advice from Bethan Cullen from the Institute of School Business Leadership (ISBL) and the DfE’s guidance on writing and managing contracts.

Download our template

KeyDoc: school contracts register template XLSX, 23.7 KB

We developed the template with Martin Owen, 1 of our associate experts.

What is a contracts register?

It's an up-to-date record of all your current contracts with suppliers of goods and services. It helps you keep track of your spending and when a contract is due for review or renewal.

It's good practice for both maintained schools and academy trusts

You’re not required to have a contracts register, but it will help you fulfil your requirement to demonstrate value for money when buying goods and services.

Achieving value for money is a requirement of both the Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS) for maintained schools and the school resource management self-assessment for academy trusts.

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