Need-to-know: Academy Trust Handbook 2024 published

The new handbook requires you to include appointment information in your register of interests. It also gives trusts freedom to enter into leases for certain assets without ESFA approval, and introduces tighter requirements for internal scrutiny in trusts with higher incomes.

Last reviewed on 1 August 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 49743

The new Academy Trust Handbook (ATH) 2024 comes into force on 1 September (it's available as a PDF on the main ATH page). Your trust must comply with the 2023 handbook until then.

Your trust's register of interests must include appointment information for each individual

Your trust was already required to publish this on its website as part of the required information for each member, trustee and local governor. This information must now be included in your trust's register of interests.

The new wording in the handbook also means that there is now additional information that must be captured in your register of interests for members and senior employees:

Note: it is still the case that your register of interests must cover senior employees, but the only