Need-to-know: Working together to improve school attendance updated for August 2024

The updated version of the guidance will become statutory on 19 August 2024. Be clear on the important changes, including new requirements.

Last reviewed on 29 February 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 49300

The DfE has published a new version of working together to improve school attendance. This will become statutory guidance on 19 August 2024.

The current version is non-statutory and remains in effect until then.

The changes are a mixture of clarification on existing guidance and updates to reflect changes in the law, including the upcoming School Attendance (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2024.

We've summarised the key things you need to know.

New requirements on keeping and sharing registers

You must:

  • Keep registers electronically (paragraph 31)
  • Preserve every entry in the attendance or admission register for 6 years (previously it was 3 years) from the date the data was entered (paragraph 36)
  • Use the revised attendance and absence codes (paragraphs 283 to 407)
  • Share your school's daily attendance data (paragraph 51)

Only grant leaves of absence for specific circumstances set out in regulation