Publishing information: requirements for independent schools

Find out which information you're required to make available to parents and what to publish on your website. Use our checklist to help you stay compliant.

Last reviewed on 26 September 2023
School types: IndependentSchool phases: AllRef: 30421
  1. Use our checklist to help you meet your requirements 
  2. It's a good idea to have a website as you need to publish information for parents

Use our checklist to help you meet your requirements 

The checklist shows:

  • What information you must make available to parents
  • What information you must publish on your school's website (if you have one) 
KeyDoc: publishing information requirements checklist (independent schools) DOC, 202.5 KB

These requirements apply to both mainstream and special independent schools.

It's a good idea to have a website as you need to publish information for parents

While there's no explicit requirement for independent schools to have a website, there is information that you must publish, and a website is the best place to do that.

Use our checklist above to make sure you're publishing everything you're required to. 

Note: 'parents' here refers to parents of both pupils and prospective pupils. This is set out in part 6 of the DfE's independent schools standards guidance.

How to 'make information available' on your website 

In a form accessible to parents Available for