Examples from primary schools
Maintained school in Lewisham
Kilmorie Primary School has a safeguarding statement on its website. The statement sets out:
- The school’s commitment to keeping pupils safe
- The responsibility of staff and parents
- The legislation and guidance underpinning its policies
- Members of staff responsible for safeguarding
- The school’s commitment to apply this policy in a non-discriminatory way
Academy in Worcestershire
Oasis Academy Warndon publishes a safeguarding statement of intent on its website. The statement includes:
- The statutory basis for its policies
- Links to the safeguarding policy, and information for pupils and parents
- Information about who in the trust is responsible for safeguarding
- Information on DBS checks
- Information on staff and volunteer safeguarding training
- Information on internal safeguarding audits
Examples from secondary schools
Community school in Redbridge
The members of the school's child protection team All of the school’s documents which relate to safeguarding The annual staff training in child protection and safeguarding The procedure