Website requirements: academies and academy trusts

Find out what individual academies need to publish online, and if you’re in a multi-academy trust, what your trust website needs to include. Use our checklists to help you comply.

Last reviewed on 28 October 2024See updates
Ref: 43882
  1. Download our checklist 
  2. Check your website requirements here
  3. Guidance for nurseries
  4. Publishing data for small cohorts and special schools 
  5. Linking to your multi-academy trust's website 
  6. UK GDPR and equality requirements for your website
  7. Ofsted expectations
  8. Get updated about changes to your policy requirements 

If you're in a maintained school, go to this article to find out what you need to publish online.

Download our checklist 

This checklist summarises the information that academies, including free schools, are usually required to publish on their websites.

Check your funding agreement to understand exactly what you're required to publish online.

KeyDoc: website requirements for academies – checklist DOCX, 169.6 KB

It's based on the DfE guidance on what academies and further education colleges must or should publish online and further legislation listed in the sources in the checklist above.

You should provide a paper copy of the information found on your website if a parent or carer requests it. 

Check your website requirements here

You can also download these requirements in our checklist above.

Be clear on:

School contact details School contact details Primary Secondary Special Requirement source Postal address* ● ●  ● Contact details: what academies and further education colleges must or