Educational record: contents and access

Know what to include in your educational records, also known as pupil records, and understand your responsibilities to allow parents to access their child's educational record so you can stay compliant with education law and the UK GDPR.

Last reviewed on 31 October 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 8929
  1. What is an educational record?
  2. All 'parents' have the right to access their child's educational record
  3. You can't charge parents/carers to view the record
  4. You can withhold information in some circumstances

What is an educational record?

The educational record is any information processed by the school, except for what the teacher has processed solely for their own use.

This is explained in section 3 of The Education (Pupil Information) (England) Regulations 2005 and covers maintained schools and all special schools. If you're an academy, these regulations don't apply to your school, and you can decide what educational records look like for you.

The record of transfer, if the pupil has attended an early years setting Admission form The current data collection/checking form Annual written reports to parents/carers National Curriculum and RE syllabus record sheets Any information relating to a major incident involving the pupil Any information relating to suspensions and exclusions Specific correspondence with parents/carers or outside agencies relating to major issues Summary details of complaints made by the parents/carers or