Key Stage 2 SATs results in 2024

Results for Key Stage (KS) 2 SATs are available from 9 July 2024. Download our factsheet to help parents and carers understand their child's results, and see our summary of test scoring and key dates.

Last reviewed on 16 May 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: PrimaryRef: 10344
  1. How and when to access results
  2. Share our factsheet with parents and carers
  3. How the tests are marked
  4. You can apply for marks to be reviewed
  5. What will be published and shared?
  6. Key dates for the summer term

How and when to access results

Key Stage (KS) 2 test results will be published on the Primary Assessment Gateway on Tuesday 9 July 2024

Each pupil will receive:

  • A raw score (the number of marks awarded)
  • A scaled score
  • Confirmation of whether or not they attained the national standard

Conversion tables will be published on GOV.UK on Tuesday 9 July, so you can understand how pupils’ scaled scores are calculated from their raw scores.

This is explained in section 9.2 of the 2024 Key Stage 2: assessment and reporting arrangements (ARA).

Share our factsheet with parents and carers

KeyDoc: KS2 SATs results – parent/carer factsheet DOC, 191.5 KB

It explains:

  • Why children take tests in KS2
  • What scaled scores are
  • How results are reported in year 6

You can adapt the factsheet to your school's context.

How the tests are marked

Scaled scores are used to report test outcomes. 

These help ensure consistency in reporting from 1 year to the next, as the difficulty of the test may alter slightly between years. 

How scaled scores are used

Scaled scores are based on raw scores, which are translated into a scaled score using a conversion table.

A scaled score of 100 always represents the 'expected standard'.

Pupils' scores range between 80 and 120.

Pupils scoring too few marks on the test to attain a scaled score of 80 will not receive a scaled score. The outcome of the test for these pupils is 'NS': expected standard not achieved.

This is explained in the DfE's guidance on understanding scaled scores at KS2.

You can apply for marks to be reviewed

You'll be able to apply for marking to be reviewed if you think there has been a mistake or the mark scheme has not been used properly.

You'll need to submit applications for review by 11:59pm on Friday 19 July.

The outcomes of the reviews will be published on Primary Assessment Gateway on Wednesday 11 September.

This is explained in section 9.4 of the KS2: assessment and reporting arrangements (ARA).

What will be published and shared?

School-level results will be published on the KS2 performance measures website.

Results will also be shared with primary schools, academy trusts, local authorities (LAs) and Ofsted. 

If you are in a primary school, you'll be able to access your own performance data through Analyse School Performance (you'll need a DfE sign-in account). 

National, regional, LA and school-level KS2 performance data will be published, including by pupil and school characteristics. 

This is explained in section 9.5 of the guidance.

Key dates for the summer term

Friday 28 JuneDeadline to submit KS2 teacher assessment (TA) data on the Primary Assessment Gateway
Tuesday 9 July


  • Test results and marked script images on the Primary Assessment Gateway
  • Raw score to scaled score conversion tables on GOV.UK
Friday 19 JulyDeadline to submit marking review applications by 11:59pm
Wednesday 11 SeptemberReceive review outcomes

Headteachers: understand your responsibilities

See a full list of your responsibilities in section 4.1 of the guidance

Article updates

16 May 2024

We updated this article with the appropriate dates for 2024.

11 April 2023

We updated this article to reflect the changes to the KS2 results dates for the coronation of King Charles III.

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