Pupil targets: reading and writing (primary)

Find out about targets for reading and writing in the National Curriculum. See examples of target-setting from schools and tools to help you set your own targets.

Last reviewed on 7 April 2022
School types: AllSchool phases: PrimaryRef: 11135
  1. National Curriculum: reading and writing objectives
  2. School examples
  3. Tools for reading and writing targets

National Curriculum: reading and writing objectives

The National Curriculum sets out a programme of study for English. This includes statutory requirements to teaching reading and writing, and a list of objectives that pupils should achieve in each year group.

The primary National Curriculum also sets out broad targets for reading and writing across primary school (see paragraph 6.3 on page 10).

Maintained schools: you must follow these targets.

Academies: you should check your funding agreement to see if you follow the National Curriculum for English and use these targets.

School examples

Yorkmead Primary School in Birmingham has reading and writing targets for each year group available on its website.

Targets are written as 'I can' statements, and target sheets have space to record pupil progress towards targets each half term.
