Curriculum (all phases)

Deliver remote learning

1 articles

Structuring the curriculum

27 articles
  • Alternative provision: curriculum requirements and examples
    Alternative provision (AP) settings, including pupil referral units (PRUs), aren't required to follow the National Curriculum, but they do have to provide a good alternative curriculum. Find out what this includes, and see examples of curriculum offers from APs.
  • Anti-racism: how to review and re-frame your curriculum
    Learn how to make diversity central to your curriculum, not just a bolt on, and make sure BAME history and achievements are taught all year round. Download our review tool and use it to question and adapt what you’re teaching so your curriculum accurately represents Britain's diversity.
  • Black History Month: ideas and resources
    October is Black History Month (BHM). Use these ideas and resources to help you celebrate Black history, heritage and culture, and to make sure your curriculum and school is diverse and inclusive all year round.

Subject monitoring

6 articles
  • Classroom provision for pupils with SEND: checklist
    Download our checklist to determine whether your classrooms are suitable learning environments for pupils with SEND, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD), ADHD, dyslexia, physical needs and profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD).
  • Evaluate your subject/department: SEF checklist
    Download and adapt our checklist to evaluate the effectiveness of your subject or department. It's divided into the Ofsted framework's judgements, and is designed to work alongside our curriculum evaluation tools.
  • How to do your own subject deep dive
    Follow our step-by-step guide to help you collaborate with staff to carry out your own subject deep dive, with a view to making improvements to your curriculum.