How to review your curriculum

Use our step-by-step guide to review your curriculum, whatever stage you're at.

Last reviewed on 3 July 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 3429
  1. How to use this article
  2. 1. Make sure your school has a clear vision and rationale 
  3. 2. Brush up on your curriculum design and development knowledge
  4. 3. Take a step back to look at the bigger picture
  5. 4. Assess your offer at subject or year-group level
  6. 5. Plan your curriculum changes
  7. 6. Make the changes and monitor their impact

How to use this article

  • Read this to get a broad overview of the steps you'll need to take to review your curriculum from start to finish
  • You may want to skip some steps, depending on which stage of the review process you're at – not everyone will start from scratch 
  • A curriculum review is often a mammoth task – don't expect this to be a quick job, and don't worry if you find it takes a long time to do some of the steps here
  • Refer to our curriculum resource hub along the way for further support 

We can't tell you what your curriculum should look like, because each school has its own individual context. But we can help you structure your review process and give you tools and questions you should ask yourself when planning your curriculum.

If you're confident that all staff know and agree on the points