- Alternative provision: curriculum requirements and examples
Alternative provision (AP) settings, including pupil referral units (PRUs), aren't required to follow the National Curriculum, but they do have to provide a good alternative curriculum. Find out what this includes, and see examples of curriculum offers from APs.
- Anti-racism: how to review and re-frame your curriculum
Learn how to make diversity central to your curriculum, not just a bolt on, and make sure BAME history and achievements are taught all year round. Download our review tool and use it to question and adapt what you’re teaching so your curriculum accurately represents Britain's diversity.
- Black History Month: ideas and resources
October is Black History Month (BHM). Use these ideas and resources to help you celebrate Black history, heritage and culture, and to make sure your curriculum and school is diverse and inclusive all year round.
- Bloom's Taxonomy: summary and use
Get to grips with Bloom's Taxonomy, and see examples from schools on how to apply the principles in lesson planning and teaching.
- Covering LGBTQ+ content in your curriculum
Find out how to weave LGBTQ+ content into your curriculum to make it more inclusive and meet the DfE's expectations.
- Cultural capital: how to weave it into your curriculum
Find out how to make sure your cultural capital offering reflects your school values and community. See examples of how primary, secondary and special schools are weaving cultural capital into their curriculum and get tips on organising activities.
- Curriculum accessibility for pupils with SEND: checklist
To help pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) reach their full potential, they first must have equal access to your curriculum. Use our checklist to stay compliant with the Equality Act and SEND regulations.
- Curriculum audit: gender and LGBTQ+ inclusivity
Use our curriculum audit to help develop inclusivity, and question and adapt what you’re teaching so your curriculum represents the diversity of gender and sexuality in modern Britain.
- Curriculum maps: templates and examples
Understand what curriculum maps are for and how to make sure they are useful. Download and adapt our curriculum map templates to save you the hassle of creating your own, and see examples from other schools.
- Curriculum requirements: academies
If you're reviewing or updating your curriculum, find out what you need to cover to stay compliant with requirements and meet the DfE's expectations.
- Curriculum requirements: maintained schools
All maintained schools must follow the National Curriculum. If you're reviewing or updating your curriculum, find out what you need to cover to stay compliant with requirements and meet DfE expectations.
- English genres in the National Curriculum
Maintained schools must cover the genres of literature and writing set out in the National Curriculum. Learn what genres you have to teach for reading and writing in Key Stages (KS) 1 to 4, and see examples of curriculum maps from primary, secondary and special schools.
- High-quality teaching and differentiation to support pupils with SEND
Understand what is meant by high-quality teaching, and find evidence-based strategies to support pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
- How to design a curriculum
Be clear on how to design an effective curriculum with this guidance on 3 core principles to bear in mind, plus resources and examples to help you improve your curriculum design.
- How to develop an outstanding music provision
Understand what the government expects of you from its national plan for music education. Find help to create a music development plan and see how to work with your music hub. Plus find resources to boost your curriculum and wider music provision.
- How to embed sustainability into your curriculum: case study
Corbridge Middle School is on a journey to embed sustainability throughout its curriculum and promotes a focus on the environment across its school. See how the leaders there did it and find resources to learn how you can make this happen too.
- How to make your curriculum and lessons accessible and inclusive
Get advice on how to make your curriculum accessible and inclusive for any pupils who are disabled or neurodivergent. Understand how to make sure all pupils are represented in your teaching materials and displays.
- How to promote British values across your school
Get tips on how best to embed British values into your school and find out how Ofsted inspects this. Download our list of questions to help you review your current approach.
- How to review curriculum alignment across your trust
There's no single right way to do it. Use our questions and download our audit tool to help you review your trust curriculum alignment, and to decide what approach you'll take in the future.
- How to review your curriculum
Use our step-by-step guide to review your curriculum, whatever stage you're at.
- Implementing a knowledge-rich curriculum
Understand what a knowledge-rich curriculum is and prepare for common challenges you might face when implementing one. See approaches from 3 schools to help you get started.
- LGBT+ History Month: ideas and resources
February is LGBT+ History Month. Use these ideas and resources to help you talk to your pupils about the experiences of people who are LGBTQ+, celebrate their contributions, and make sure your curriculum and school is inclusive all year round.
- PE teaching hours: guidance and examples
It's up to you how many hours of PE your school teaches each week. Find out how many hours the DfE recommends, and take a look at how much PE other schools teach.
- Relationships and sex education (RSE): curriculum audit
Use our audit tool to find out which of the RSE requirements you’re meeting already and where there are gaps you need to fill.
- Requests to withdraw a pupil from RE
Parents and carers can choose to withdraw their child from religious education (RE) lessons. Find out what you're required to do if this happens, and how this may affect school trips to places of worship.
- Whole-school curriculum audit
Use our audit to help you look at the big picture when it comes to your curriculum, so you can make sure you’re offering your pupils a broad and balanced education.
- Withdrawing pupils from subjects
Find out which subjects parents/carers can withdraw their children from and how these rules apply to maintained schools, academies and independent schools. Plus, get advice on disapplying pupils from the National Curriculum.