Make sure all pupils have the same opportunities
You need to:
- Set high expectations for all pupils (e.g. by setting ambitious targets)
- Quickly identify any areas of difficulty that pupils may have
- Remove barriers to allow pupils to achieve those expectations (e.g. through accessible resources, differentiation and reasonable adjustments)
This comes from your duties under:
- The Equality Act 2010
- The Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Regulations 2014
- The SEND Code of Practice
Find more advice to help you do this in the checklist below, as well as the 'SEN management' section of our website.
Publish how you're meeting these requirements on your website
Find out more about how you can do this in our article on publishing curriculum information.
Use our checklist to make sure you're compliant
Instead, use our checklist to help you look at evidence from audits you've already completed to identify