SEND provision: requirements and best practice audit

Complete our audit to have total confidence you've got everything in place for pupils with SEND and are meeting the statutory requirements of the SEND Code of Practice.

Last reviewed on 30 November 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 12850
  1. Download our audit
  2. Admissions arrangements
  3. Provision for pupils with SEND
  4. Supporting inclusion
  5. Reasonable adjustments
  6. Staffing requirements
  7. Working with parents
  8. The local offer
  9. SEND-related policies and documents
  10. EHC plans

Download our audit

Use it to assess and review your provision for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). 

It covers:

  • Your requirements, as set out in the SEND Code of Practice 
  • Things you should do, as set out in the same document 
  • Best practice tips from our associate expert, Lorraine Petersen 
KeyDoc: provision for pupils with SEND audit DOCX, 141.7 KB

Read on for further details for the main areas of the audit, and links to help you improve on areas you might need to work on. 

We refer to paragraph numbers of the SEND Code of Practice throughout this article.

Admissions arrangements

Pupils with education, health and care (EHC) plans

When a school has been named on a child’s EHC plan, the school must admit the pupil (SEND Code of Practice, paragraph 9.83).

Pupils with