Identifying and addressing staff development needs around SEND

Use our questionnaire to identify your teaching staff's development needs around special educational needs and disability (SEND), and get advice on how to address these needs.

Last reviewed on 3 February 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 11124
  1. Download our teaching staff questionnaire
  2. Ask pupils and parents for their opinion to get a full picture
  3. Plan CPD to address gaps in SEND provision
  4. Work with local schools
  5. Use performance management to improve SEND provision

Download our teaching staff questionnaire

KeyDoc: teaching staff questionnaire on SEND DOC, 252.0 KB

Use our staff questionnaire to audit your teachers' knowledge and confidence of:

  • The SEND Code of Practice and your local authority’s local offer around SEND
  • Your school’s policies and practice around SEND and the role of your staff within them
  • Teaching pupils with SEND
  • Talking about SEN and disabilities with pupils and parents

The answers will help you identify any additional staff training needs – see below for guidance on carrying out continuing professional development (CPD).

You can also use the questionnaire as a follow-up exercise to assess the impact of a particular teacher training event or induction session.

Note: some questions may not be relevant to your school’s context. Adapt the wording of the questions in line with your needs, and delete any irrelevant questions.

You could survey pupils and parents to find out