The DfE is consulting on new draft guidance, titled Gender Questioning Children (see ‘Guidance document’). The final guidance, which will be non-statutory, will only be published after the consultation closes in March.
You can contribute to the consultation via the DfE’s website.
Support any of your pupils and staff who may be directly affected by the contents of the draft guidance. You can:
- Emphasise that nothing will change for now
- Make it clear that they can talk to you or another trusted member of the leadership team, if they are upset or worried about the contents of the guidance
- Remind them that they can give their views on the draft guidance, and send them the link to the consultation
LGBT+ History Month is a great opportunity to celebrate LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning and other sexual identities) people and their achievements through history, and raise awareness of ongoing struggles and discrimination.
This year’s theme is #UnderTheScope, celebrating LGBTQ+ people's contribution to medicine and healthcare through history and today.
When planning your LGBT+ History Month events, make sure the resources you use are sensitive and age-appropriate in approach and content, just as you would when planning your curriculum year round.
This can be a sensitive topic for some, so you might have to field objections from parents or carers. Read our article about handling objections from parents/carers about relationships and sex education (RSE) for some useful tips.
Create an inclusive environment all year round
LGBT+ History Month is just 1 part of creating a school culture that celebrates different genders and sexualities, and nurturing an environment where all pupils feel safe and valued.
Commit to making your school more inclusive in the long term by using our gender and LGBTQ+ inclusivity audit tool as a starting point. You and your staff can also use these recommended resources to find out more about LGBTQ+ issues and experiences.
Support trans pupils using our toolkit and make your school a welcoming place for trans pupils and staff. Understand your legal duties towards trans pupils and staff.
Integrate LGBTQ+ history into your curriculum throughout the year
Audit your curriculum to identify where you can make it more inclusive. Use the audit to question and adapt what you’re teaching so your curriculum represents the diversity seen in modern Britain in terms of gender and sexuality.
Read our article to find out how to weave LGBTQ+ content into your curriculum to make it more inclusive and meet the DfE's expectations.
Celebrate LGBT+ History Month in the way that's right for you
There are lots of ways to celebrate, including holding whole-school assemblies, adapting lesson plans, and putting up posters and displays that reflect the contributions that LGBTQ+ people have made – and are making now – to areas such as science, politics, culture and society. This year, consider focusing on people in the medicine and healthcare field.
Have a look at how another school celebrates LGBT+ History Month
Old Buckenham High School, an academy in Norfolk, has a list of things it's done to celebrate LGBT+ History Month, including an LGBT+ celebration day which featured:
- An official launch, by a town crier, of an LGBT+ celebration day
- A badge-making activity, including images of inspirational queer people
- Pupils wearing something rainbow to school
Select 'History Month Events' on the page linked above for more on the school's activities to celebrate the month, including a bake-off, film screening and treasure hunt.
Use these resources to create assemblies, lessons and activities
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The Log Books
Adam Zmith and Tash Walker, 2 of the producers behind The Log Books podcast, have created an assembly resource you can tailor to suit your school community.
Online resources
The LGBT+ History Month website includes links to book speakers, an events calendar, and resources from past LGBT+ History Months.
BBC Teach has a series of videos about LGBTQ+ history and identities, as well as the history of the month itself.
Stonewall has an LGBTQ+ History Month resource hub which includes lesson packs and resources that cover primary, secondary, mainstream and specialist settings.
Just Like Us has resources for its School Diversity Week which can be used for LGBT+ History Month. You’ll have to sign up for a free account.
The Proud Trust's website includes education and resource packs from past LGBT+ History Months.
Into Film, a charity that champions film in education, has 2 LGBT+ History Month assembly resources you can download for free (you'll need to create a free account):
These resources include clips from films, and questions you can use to guide discussion.