KS1 genres
Year 1
Teach your pupils to "develop pleasure in reading, motivation to read, vocabulary and understanding", by:
- Listening to and discussing a wide range of poems, stories and non-fiction at a level beyond that at which they can read independently
- Becoming very familiar with key stories, fairy stories and traditional tales, retelling them and considering their particular characteristics
- Learning to appreciate rhymes and poems, and to recite some by heart
Year 1 pupils are also expected to start forming short narratives.
See pages 11 and 14 of the English programmes of study for KS1 and KS2.
Year 2
For reading comprehension, your pupils should:
- Listen to, discuss and express views on contemporary and classic poetry, stories and non-fiction
- Become increasingly familiar with and retell a wider range of stories, fairy stories and traditional tales
- Be introduced to non-fiction books that are structured in different ways
Both fictional and real narratives about their own experiences and those of