Pedagogy resource hub
See examples and explanations of evidence-based practice and pedagogical research, and learn how to implement them across your school.
Pedagogy is the method and practice of teaching, often described as 'the science of teaching'.
Sometimes, evidence-based practice or research-based practice is used to describe pedagogical approaches, and we have used these terms interchangeably.
A note on terminology- Use our pedagogy guide to remind yourself what key terms in pedagogical theory mean
- Use our curriculum jargon buster to be clear on what curriculum terms mean
- Remind yourself what the key features of effective teaching are
- Embed effective retrieval practice in your curriculum planning and in the classroom
- Improve learning by reducing cognitive load in lessons, and download our CPD handout
- Understand what oracy is and how to develop it in your setting
- Learn effective questioning techniques and identify strengths and weaknesses in your provision
- Find out how to raise attainment in maths using evidence-based interventions
- Use effective teaching strategies for writing for primary pupils
- Support pupils with EAL to access the curriculum using research-backed techniques
- Know how to review the quality of teaching and learning
- Use your assessment system to evaluate pupil progress
- Learn how to conduct a learning walk to spot effective questioning
- Make use of pupil voice to get feedback on learning
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