Raising achievement

Interventions to raise achievement

5 articles
  • Alternative provision: how to choose and work with providers
    Use our form to help you decide whether an alternative provision (AP) provider is suitable for your pupil. Plus, find out how Ofsted inspects your use of AP and how you should work with the provider during your pupil's time there.
  • Closing the gap in primary schools
    Learn how to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils in your school. Find out how to identify barriers to learning, select targeted interventions based on evidence, and how to evaluate your progress.
  • Evaluating intervention strategies: advice and tracking tools
    Learn how to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of your interventions, including what evidence to look for and how to present this to governors. Plus, find a tracking tool, a template for SEND case studies, a template report to governors, and a pupil voice survey in our toolkit.

Raising the achievement of groups

4 articles