Maths: how to audit and improve your curriculum design (secondary)

Use our audit tool to identify and address areas for development, or gaps in your maths curriculum. It includes discussion starters to help you assess your approach and suggests next steps based on your situation.

Last reviewed on 9 February 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: SecondaryRef: 38459
  1. Download the audit
  2. How to use this document

Download the audit

KeyDoc: Maths curriculum design audit (secondary) DOC, 259.0 KB

How to use this document

This will:

  • Help you identify areas for development, or gaps in your maths curriculum
  • Provide discussion starters to help you evaluate your curriculum approach and decide what you might change
  • Suggest actions and options to help you make the changes, based on your situation

Set aside a reasonable chunk of time to complete this audit – it’s unlikely to be a quick process Read the question and choose the answer that most closely matches your circumstances. There’s no ideal answer – each school’s approach will depend on its context Discuss the questions with your senior leadership team (SLT) and/or any relevant subject teachers. This should help you understand the rationale of your school’s curriculum approach, so you can decide if it works or if you’ll make changes Read the possible strategies and next steps, to get ideas about how you