It's not a statutory requirement to have a science policy, but many schools choose to have one.
See how other schools approach this policy in the examples below, and read our article on how to develop a school policy if you need more guidance.
Maintained schools
Wattville Primary School in Birmingham has a science policy that includes:
- The role of the subject leader
- The scientific knowledge to be taught
- How to work scientifically
- Equal opportunities and inclusion
- Safety considerations
- Parental involvement
Marsh Lane Primary School in Derbyshire has a science policy that covers:
- Curriculum planning
- Teaching strategies
- Assessment
- Teaching resources
- The responsibilities of the subject leader
- Health and safety considerations
Buckland CofE Primary School in Oxfordshire has a science policy including:
- Curriculum planning and teaching approaches
- How pupils will be taught to work scientifically
- Equal opportunities and how pupils' individual needs will be met
- The use of ICT
- How to work safely
How children will work scientifically The types of enquiry