Positive handling policy: examples

See examples of policies on positive handling, physical restraint and the use of reasonable force, from primary, secondary and special schools to help you write or update your own. Find policies with template positive handling plans and incident reporting forms.

Last reviewed on 12 February 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 41638
  1. Primary school policies
  2. Secondary school policies
  3. Special school policies

Understand when and how staff can make physical interventions with pupils by reading our guidance on how to use reasonable force. Read on in this article for examples of specific policies on positive handling and physical restraint.

There is no requirement for a specific policy – you can also include the power to use reasonable force in your behaviour policy.

Primary school policies

Maintained school in Wandsworth

St Mary's CofE Primary School's positive handling and physical intervention policy includes:

  • When physical intervention can be used
  • Dos and don'ts when using positive handling
  • Recording incidents
  • A template incident report form (page 9) and positive handling plan (page 12)

Community school in Blackpool

Layton Primary School has a control and restraint policy which includes:

  • Definitions
  • Staff who are authorised to use physical contact
  • Strategies for dealing with challenging behaviour
  • Action to take after an incident
  • Monitoring of incidents

Academy in City of Bristol

Headley Park Primary School explains in its positive handling policy: