Preventing extremism: policies

You aren't required to have a distinct policy relating to the Prevent duty, though you may choose to have one. Look through the linked examples from primary and secondary schools to help you write your own.

Last reviewed on 13 September 2022
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 41739
  1. This is an optional policy
  2. Examples from primary schools
  3. Examples from secondary schools

This is an optional policy

It isn't necessary to have a policy specifically for preventing extremism.

However, we have found examples of some schools to have drawn up distinct policies on radicalisation that we've highlighted below.

What policies are required

Under the government's anti-radicalisation Prevent strategy, you do need to have:

  • Robust safeguarding policies that identify children at risk of being drawn into terrorism, and set out protocols for ensuring visiting speakers are suitable and supervised appropriately
  • ICT policies that ensure children are safe from terrorist and extremist material when accessing the internet in school, such as by establishing appropriate levels of filtering

See our model safeguarding policymodel online safety policy, and examples of ICT and acceptable use policies for help with establishing these.

Read more about schools' responsibilities for Prevent for more information.

Examples from primary schools

Infant school in West Sussex

Indicators Procedures and