- Excluding a pupil: procedures and guidanceBe clear on the procedures for excluding a pupil from your school, when you can lawfully do so, and who you must inform.
- Improving behaviour: off-site direction and managed movesYou can temporarily direct pupils with challenging behaviour off your school site. Alternatively, you can carry out a managed move to another school, if the situation calls for a permanent change. Find out more about what both options involve and how you're expected to manage them.
- Independent review panel hearings: proceduresParents/carers have the right to request a review of your governing board's decision not to reinstate a pupil after exclusion. This is done by an independent review panel (IRP), convened by the local authority (LA) or academy trust. Get an overview of how the hearing will run and what the outcomes might be.
- Off-rolling: how to identify and prevent itOfsted will look for evidence of 'off-rolling'. Find out what it is, how you can guard against it and what to do if you think it has happened.
- Reintegrating a pupil after a suspension: guidanceUpdatedRead about creating an integration strategy to help support pupils on a fresh start following suspension. Find out what to cover in a reintegration meeting, and download our template strategy plan to get your staff, pupils and parents/carers on the same page.
- Suspending a pupil: procedures and guidanceUpdatedBe clear on the procedures for suspending a pupil from your school, when you can lawfully do so, and who you must inform.
- Suspending or excluding a pupil with SEND: requirements and guidanceUnderstand the steps you need to take before suspending or excluding a pupil with SEND, especially if they have an education, health and care (EHC) plan, and learn about how your statutory duties may affect your decision.
- Suspension or permanent exclusion hearings: proceduresCertain exclusions require a panel to consider the headteacher's decision. Get an overview of the requirements and what role you play in the process, and download our template report to the board to help you present your case.
- Suspensions and exclusions: notifying parents, governors and othersFollowing a permanent exclusion or suspension, understand who you need to tell and when. Download our template letters to get the necessary information to parents and carers ASAP.