Independent review panel hearings: procedures

Parents/carers have the right to request a review of your governing board's decision not to reinstate a pupil after exclusion. This is done by an independent review panel (IRP), convened by the local authority (LA) or academy trust. Get an overview of how the hearing will run and what the outcomes might be.

Last reviewed on 15 November 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 2422
  1. What is an independent review panel (IRP) hearing?
  2. LAs and trusts are responsible for convening the panel 
  3. Who can attend the hearing
  4. Remote access to meetings
  5. Documents you'll receive 
  6. Possible outcomes
  7. Finding out the decision 

What is an independent review panel (IRP) hearing?

An independent review panel (IRP) hearing scrutinises a governing board's decision to uphold a pupil's permanent exclusion. This helps to make sure that exclusions are lawful, reasonable and procedurally fair. 

When your governing board decides not to reinstate an excluded pupil during an exclusion hearing, parents/carers can apply for an IRP to consider the decision. 

The pupil's name can't be removed from your school roll during this process.

LAs and trusts are responsible for convening the panel 

The local authority (LA) for maintained schools and the academy trust for academies is responsible for arranging an IRP meeting at their own expense.

Parents/carers must request an IRP hearing within 15 school days of them receiving written notification of the governing board's decision not to reinstate a permanently