How to create an effective culture of behaviour management at your school

Learn how to develop a positive behaviour culture in your school and support staff with effective behaviour management. Find out how to implement a behaviour curriculum to support pupils to understand your expectations and maintain effective routines.

Last reviewed on 18 December 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 48967
  1. Start with your behaviour policy
  2. Then, prepare your staff to manage behaviour
  3. Implement an effective behaviour curriculum
  4. Next, clearly plan your approach to rewards and sanctions
  5. Make adjustments for pupils with additional needs
  6. Finally, monitor and evaluate school behaviour

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Start with your behaviour policy

Include your behaviour expectations in your behaviour policy, to make them clear to staff, pupils, and parents and carers. Share your behaviour policy in your pupil and parent welcome pack as well as on your website.

Make sure your policy is clear on:

  • Acceptable and unacceptable behaviour
  • The values, attitudes and beliefs you want to promote
  • Social norms and routines
  • Your behaviour management approach

You're free to decide what the acceptable standard of behaviour looks like for your school. However, you must meet the national minimum expectation of behaviour, which is aligned with Ofsted's ‘good’ grade