Allergy awareness: involving your community

Get everyone on board with your approach to keeping pupils with allergies safe in school. Find letters, a factsheet and resources aimed at building support and co-operation among pupils, parents and staff.

Last reviewed on 9 October 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 12875
  1. Take an ‘allergen aware’ not ‘nut free’ approach
  2. What staff need to know
  3. What parents and carers need to know
  4. What pupils need to know

Take an ‘allergen aware’ not ‘nut free’ approach

Banning common allergens, such as nuts, isn't the best way to keep your pupils safe because:

  • It’s difficult to enforce
  • Nuts aren’t the only allergens
  • It’s impractical to ban all allergens from the site
  • It could give pupils with allergies a false sense of security

Instead create an environment where your community is aware of the risks posed by allergens and put in place strategies to mitigate those risks.

You can discourage pupils and parents from bringing in food containing allergens, but remember:

  • There are no guarantees that pupils or parents will follow your rules
  • Pupils and parents may not be aware of the allergens present in their food

This approach is