- Absence, attendance and punctuality: template letters to parents/carers
Use our template letters to help you address attendance issues such as unauthorised absence and poor punctuality. See examples of letters from primary and secondary schools, and get guidance on building a trusting relationship with parents/carers.
- Allergy awareness: involving your community
Get everyone on board with your approach to keeping pupils with allergies safe in school. Find letters, a factsheet and resources aimed at building support and cooperation among pupils, parents and staff.
- Behaviour incidents: letters to parents/carers
Use our template letters to communicate about behaviour incidents with parents and carers, and find tips on how to build a trusting relationship with them.
- Dealing with abusive or aggressive parents: guidance and letters
You can ban parents, carers and other visitors from your school premises for abusive or aggressive behaviour. Find out the steps you can take to reduce this behaviour, how to respond when incidents happen and see examples of letters to parents/carers.
- Headteacher leaving letters: examples
Telling parents that you're leaving your school is an important message to get right. Use the advice from our expert and examples from schools to help you write your letter to parents.
- Leaving staff members: guidance and letter to parents/carers
Download our template letter to inform parents and carers about staffing changes in your school, and get advice on managing the transition for pupils with SEND.
- New headteacher's letter to parents/carers
Use our template to write to parents/carers as a new headteacher, and read advice on what your letter could cover.
- Newsletters: template and what to include
Use our template to create your own newsletter. Also, find tips on what it should include, and how best to write and distribute it.
- Online safety: involving parents and carers
Help parents keep their children safe online by engaging them in discussions about online safety. Download and share factsheets about online safety concerns, see examples of letters to parents, and read our tips on working with parents with EAL.
- Parent factsheet: cost-of-living support
As the high cost of living continues to squeeze families' wallets, share our factsheet with parents and carers to let them know what practical and financial support is available to them.
- Parent governor/trustee elections: documents
Check if you're responsible for organising parent governor/trustee elections, and use our template documents to save you time and make sure the process runs smoothly. Download our template letters to parents/carers, ballot paper and candidate form.
- Phonics screening check: information for parents
Use our phonics screening check factsheet to explain the process to parents, including when they'll receive results and how they can help their child prepare at home. See examples of how schools display this information online.
- Pupil premium and FSM registration: template letter to parents/carers
Boost your pupil premium funding with our template letter that encourages parents/carers to register their children for free school meals (FSM).
- Residential visits: letters to parents
Get tips on writing letters to parents about school residential visits, and download a template letter to make the task easier. Also, read examples from primary and secondary schools and a multi-academy trust (MAT).
- Security lockdown procedures: informing parents and pupils
Follow our guidance when discussing emergency lockdown procedures with your pupils, including how to talk to them in an age-appropriate way. Download our template letter to parents/carers.
- Strikes: communicating with parents, staff and stakeholders
Find out who you have to inform about industrial action and school closures, and use our template letters to tell parents what your school's arrangements are. Also, get guidance on talking to striking and non-striking staff.
- Thanking staff at the end of term: template letter to parents and carers
Use our template letter to reassure families that they don't need to buy gifts for staff to say thank you. It encourages low-cost approaches like homemade cards, and explains how to give gifts if some still wish to do so.
- Uniform policy change: letter to parents
Use our template letter to communicate changes to your uniform policy so parents understand how you're securing best value for money and know when the changes will come into force.