Online safety: involving parents and carers

Learn how to involve parents and carers with helping your pupils stay safe online. Download and share parent factsheets, get help with writing to parents/carers about online safety, and find tips on engaging with parents/carers with English as an additional language (EAL).

Last reviewed on 24 January 2025
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 4003
  1. Benefits to getting parents and carers involved in online safety 
  2. Communicate parents'/carers' responsibilities through your policies
  3. Highlight what parents/carers should do about any concerns
  4. Share factsheets about apps, games and websites 
  5. Direct parents/carers to useful resources
  6. Run in-person workshops
  7. Share your approach in letters home
  8. Make sure your communications reach families with EAL

Benefits to getting parents and carers involved in online safety 

Involving parents and carers with online safety allows staff, and parents/carers to work together. Parents/carers can:

  • Share any online safety issues that occur at home, to help you design online safety programmes that reflect these issues 
  • Implement the same principles of online safety at home 
  • Gain a better awareness of your curriculum 

Communicate parents'/carers' responsibilities through your policies

See the DfE's guidance about teaching online safety