Pupil premium and FSM registration: template letter to parents/carers

Boost your pupil premium funding with our template letter that encourages parents/carers to register their children for free school meals (FSM).

Last reviewed on 19 July 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 8298
  1. Download our template letter and parent/carer factsheet
  2. Reporting pupil premium expenditure to parents/carers
  3. School examples

Please note: the government uses the number of pupils registered for free school meals (FSM) in the autumn school census to work out your pupil premium funding. Read more about how this data determines your funding.

Download our template letter and parent/carer factsheet

Use this letter and factsheet to encourage parents and carers to register their children for FSM, and increase your pupil premium funding.

Our letter is up to date with the latest FSM eligibility criteria, including that pupils in households with no recourse to public funds (NRPF) are eligible, subject to maximum income thresholds.

Primary schools Download and adapt the template letter to your school’s circumstances. We’ve included optional sections on: Universal infant free school meals (UIFSM) Read more about UIFSM eligibility and funding in another article The Mayor of London’s scheme for free school meals for primary schools FSM for children under compulsory school age Add