Residential visits: letters to parents

Get tips on writing letters to parents about school residential visits, and download a template letter to make the task easier. Also, read examples from primary and secondary schools and a multi-academy trust (MAT).

Last reviewed on 5 July 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 33667
  1. What to include
  2. Primary school examples
  3. Secondary school examples
  4. Example from a MAT

What to include

  • When and where the visit is
  • The purpose of the visit and benefits for pupils
  • Who will be leading the visit and which other adults will be going
  • Details of activities
  • The cost (including payment deadlines and any financial assistance available)
  • What’s included in the cost
  • Whether pupils will need any particular clothes or equipment
  • How to reserve a place

Download and adapt our template to suit your context.

KeyDoc: residential visit letter to parents (template) DOC, 185.0 KB

Get inspiration from the examples below, by seeing what other schools are doing and how they're approaching residential visits. 

Primary school examples

Details of the types of activities the visit is likely to include  A link to a video that will give parents an idea of what the activities will be like Which staff members to speak to about