Leaving staff members: guidance and letter to parents/carers

Download our template letter to inform parents and carers about staffing changes in your school, and get advice on managing the transition for pupils with SEND.

Last reviewed on 26 July 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 9960
  1. Let parents and carers of all affected pupils know as soon as possible
  2. Contact the parents/carers of pupils who will need extra support
  3. Make a transition plan for pupils with SEND

Let parents and carers of all affected pupils know as soon as possible

Write a letter explaining that a member of staff is leaving and outline your plans for replacing them. This might involve a new member of staff joining, or a restructuring of your staff team. 

The letter should always focus on the positive. Although you're sad to see the member of staff leave, emphasise their contribution to the school and, if appropriate, give some context as to why they're moving on. If a new member of staff is replacing them, explain what experience they have and what they'll bring to the role.

Download and adapt our template to suit your specific circumstances.

KeyDoc: letter to parents about staff changes DOCX, 123.5 KB

Change can be difficult for a lot of pupils, especially those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), who often