Online safety: pupil questionnaires

Use these age-adaptable questionnaires to survey your pupils on e-safety and what they do online, so you can better plan your curriculum.

Last reviewed on 9 January 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 5542
  1. Download our questionnaire pack
  2. See examples of questionnaires
  3. Use quizzes to spot gaps in understanding
  4. Plan your next steps with our online safety resources

Download our questionnaire pack

Whether you're using an online survey tool or sending out paper copies, you can save time with our statement bank and questions. Use the statements that work for your context and your pupils' age.

KeyDoc: pupil questionnaire – online safety DOC, 231.0 KB

Our statement bank covers a range of topics:

  • Using the internet
  • Staying safe
  • Social media and privacy settings
  • Bullying and wellbeing
  • ICT skills, browsing and finding information online
  • Gaming

Find more help on how to conduct a survey.

See examples of questionnaires

Use quizzes to spot gaps in understanding

Online safety for KS2 and KS3 pupils

Use the NSPCC's online safety quiz in class to help you teach pupils how to stay safe online. The quiz includes teacher notes.