EYFS framework: safeguarding changes for September 2025

Get up to speed with the safeguarding changes planned for the EYFS framework in September 2025, so you can prepare to implement them in your setting.

on 21 January 2025
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 50840
  1. What’s been announced?
  2. Safer recruitment
  3. Following up on child absence
  4. Role of the designated safeguarding lead (DSL)
  5. New criteria for effective safeguarding training
  6. Paediatric first aid (PFA): students and trainees
  7. Safer eating
  8. Toileting and privacy
  9. Whistleblowing
  10. Use our checklist

What’s been announced?

In October 2024, the DfE published its consultation outcome on proposed safeguarding reforms to the EYFS framework

In September 2025, it plans to implement all the changes that it consulted on, as well as:

  • New requirements around whistleblowing
  • New expectations to provide references

This article lays out the changes, where to find more information on them and where they'll be reflected once the DfE has updated the framework. 

Safer recruitment

Change Where this will be reflected in the EYFS framework
Providers will be required to obtain references before employing new members of staff In the ‘Suitable people’ section (currently pages 23 to 26)
Providers’ safeguarding policies must include information on safer recruitment procedures In the ‘Safeguarding policies and procedures’ section (currently pages 22 to 23, specifically paragraph 3.6)  

See more information on pages 9 to 13 of the consultation response. 

Change Where this will be reflected in the EYFS framework Providers must follow