Reading action plans (primary)

Download and adapt our Key Stage (KS) 2 reading action plan template to help you create your own. Also check out examples of action plans from other schools.

Last reviewed on 1 February 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: PrimaryRef: 11773
  1. Download our template Key Stage (KS) 2 reading action plan 
  2. See examples from other schools

Download our template Key Stage (KS) 2 reading action plan 

Use our sample action plan to:

  • Get an idea of what to include in your school's plan 
  • Find suggestions for how to achieve improvements in 3 areas, including: 
    • Attainment outcomes in reading across the school
    • The teaching of reading
    • Pupil-level interventions
  • See examples of success criteria for the areas above  

Adapt this plan to suit your school's priorities, as outlined in your school improvement plan (SIP). 

KeyDoc- reading action plans DOC, 238.5 KB

See examples from other schools

Primary schools

Frodsham Manor House Primary School in Cheshire has a reading action plan for 2021/22. It:

  • Divides its action plan into terms, with clear milestones to measure whether each action is achieved
  • Specifies which member of staff is accountable for the plan, and the link governor
  • Includes success criteria
  • Has space for staff to review whether it has been successful

Muswell Hill Primary School in London has an early reading and phonics action plan for spring 2022.