Performance tables and measures: secondary
Highlights from school evaluation and improvement
- Alternative provision: demonstrating pupil progressAs progress 8 for pupil referral units (PRUs) and alternative provision (AP) academies isn't included in performance tables, read advice on how to demonstrate that your pupils are making good progress.
- Calculating progress 8 scoresUnderstand how progress 8 is calculated for maintained schools and academies. Get to grips with confidence intervals, and see how the calculations differ for pupils with missing or incomplete data.
- Progress 8 in special schoolsProgress 8 applies to special schools, to allow comparison of scores against the mainstream average and other special schools. Understand how progress 8 is calculated for special schools and pupils with SEN, and how this data is used.
- Progress 8: which qualifications count?UpdatedBe clear on the different elements that make up progress 8, and which qualifications are eligible for inclusion. Understand how discounting will affect multiple qualifications taken in the same subject.