School improvement plan: template, checklist and monitoring guidance

Download one of our school improvement plan (SIP) templates and use our checklist to help you evaluate your SIP. Learn how you can monitor implementation of your SIP.

Last reviewed on 11 June 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 498
  1. Download our templates
  2. Evaluate your SIP with our checklist
  3. Share your SIP with your school community
  4. Monitor implementation of your SIP
  5. See examples of SIPs from other schools

Schools use a variety of terms to describe their whole-school plan, including 'school improvement plan', ‘strategic plan' and 'school development plan'. Here, we use 'school improvement plan' (SIP).

Download our templates

You don't need to present your SIP in any specific format. Whatever format you use, it should be part of your overall improvement process and not created specifically for Ofsted.

You'll find 2 options of templates below, so you can choose the 1 that suits your school best and adapt it further if you wish.

Option 1: template based on the 2019 Ofsted framework

Use our template to create your SIP based on Ofsted's 2019 inspection framework.

KeyDoc: SIP based on the 2019 Ofsted framework – template DOC, 215.5 KB

To help you create your SIP, use our self-evaluation form (SEF) checklist and template to identify key areas of improvement.

Alternatively, choose this version if it suits your school's planning better. We developed it