Alternative provision: demonstrating pupil progress

As progress 8 for pupil referral units (PRUs) and alternative provision (AP) academies isn't included in performance tables, read advice on how to demonstrate that your pupils are making good progress.

Last reviewed on 29 July 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 12261
  1. Each pupil should have a personalised plan 
  2. Develop a comprehensive baseline assessment
  3. Make use of external moderation
  4. Benchmark your assessment against a mainstream school
  5. Remember, progress isn't just academic
  6. Analyse your data and monitor trends

Progress 8 for AP isn't included in performance tables

The DfE doesn't publish progress 8 data at provider level for PRUs or AP academies. While a progress 8 score is calculated, this is only so it can be used in local authority (LA), regional and national data. 

PRUs and AP academies are still expected to demonstrate that their pupils are making good progress and that their needs are being fully met.

A representative from the DfE told us this. 

Each pupil should have a personalised plan 

You should assess each pupil rigorously against their plan. It should clearly outline:

  • Objectives for improvement and attainment
  • Timeframes
  • Arrangements for assessment and monitoring progress
  • A baseline of the current position against which to measure progress
  • Links to other relevant information such as education, health and care (EHC) plans for children with special educational needs (SEN)

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