IT skills audit for teaching staff

Spot gaps in your staff's IT knowledge and identify CPD needs to help them deliver high-quality teaching and save them time.

Last reviewed on 21 June 2022See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 3433
  1. Download our IT skills audit
  2. Use the completed audits to plan CPD

Download our IT skills audit

Download our skills audit template and give it to your teaching staff.

It contains space for them to evaluate their own IT skills and identify their development needs, in order to better deliver quality teaching and work more efficiently. It covers:

  • Using school IT equipment
  • Using the school network
  • Remote teaching and online learning platforms
  • E-safety and data security 
KeyDoc: IT skills audit tool DOC, 196.5 KB

Adapt our document to suit your school's context

Before giving the audit tool to your teaching staff, consider adding:

  • Specific details about your network, online learning platforms and software
  • Your E-safety and data security practices 
  • Your priorities for developing IT skills

Use the completed audits to plan CPD

Any immediate safeguarding or data security concerns Widespread needs Issues that prevent your staff from carrying out