Sustainability: teaching audit

Share our audit tool to find out how confident your staff are in teaching about sustainability. Use the results to plan your CPD and sustainability strategy, and identify sustainability leaders in your team.

Last reviewed on 7 February 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 46072
  1. Download our audit tools
  2. Use the results to plan your CPD and sustainability strategy

Download our audit tools

Use our templates to understand where your teaching staff are currently feeling confident or unsure about sustainability and climate change. Adapt them to suit your school type, context and priorities.

Give our teaching staff audit to your whole team:

KeyDoc: sustainability audit – all teaching staff DOC, 208.5 KB

You can also ask your subject or curriculum leads some extra questions about sustainability leadership:

KeyDoc: sustainability audit – middle leaders DOC, 187.5 KB

Our audits are based on the DfE’s Sustainability and climate change strategy, and advice from Outdoor and Sustainability Education Specialists (OASES)

Use the results to plan your CPD and sustainability strategy

You don’t have to address everything at once

Look at the results of the audit, and identify the areas around sustainability and climate change that