Teacher on the UPR: job description

Read advice on writing your own UPR job description, or download and adapt our model job description and person specification.

Last reviewed on 5 March 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 1423
  1. Model job description and person specification
  2. Advice on writing UPR job descriptions

Model job description and person specification

Download and adapt it to reflect the role in your school.

It's based on the professional responsibilities and expectations of teachers set out in the:

KeyDoc: teacher on the UPR job description DOC, 136.0 KB

Make sure your job advert complies with safeguarding guidance and equality law

You're not required to advertise this position internally or externally, but it's good practice to do so.

Find out what you need to include in your job advert to help you recruit safely.

Advice on writing UPR job descriptions

Note that there's often a lot of overlap between the responsibilities and duties outlined in an main pay range (MPR) job description and those included in a upper pay range (UPR) job description. 

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