Job adverts: requirements and guidance

Find out which roles you're required to advertise for under staffing regulations. Plus, get up to speed on the expectations in KCSIE for what to include in your job advert.

Last reviewed on 27 February 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 1908
  1. Check which rules apply to your school
  2. Choose whether to use internal or external adverts
  3. What to include in the job advert 

Maintained schools: follow the School Staffing Regulations You must follow The School Staffing (England) Regulations 2009. These regulations set out rules for advertising different roles in your school: Headteachers and deputy headteachers For a headteacher or deputy headteacher vacancy, the governing board must: Advertise the post as appropriate. Find out what's considered 'appropriate' in the DfE's 'recruiting a headteacher' guidance (see page 24) Notify your local authority (LA) in writing of the vacancy Appoint a selection panel who will recommend an appointment to the governing board for approval  See paragraph 15 of the regulations for community and voluntary controlled (VC) schools and paragraph 27 for foundation and voluntary aided (VA) schools).  You can also find guidance for your governors on how to recruit and appoint senior leaders on GovernorHub Knowledge. If your school doesn't have access, find out more here. Teachers and assistant heads Although there's no specific requirement to advertise these posts, it's good practice to do so. Note that