1-form entry school
Rowledge Church of England Primary School is a village school in Surrey with around 217 pupils on roll.
The headteacher is also the special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO).
There are 2 other members of staff on the senior leadership team (SLT):
- A deputy headteacher
- A class teacher
Some year groups have more than 1 teacher, and 2 teachers work part-time.
The school also has a staff member handling parent and public enquiries, as well as a school administrator, administrative assistant, and business and finance officer.
1-and-a-half form entry school
St Boniface Roman Catholic Primary School in Wandsworth has around 329 pupils.
The school's SLT is made up of the headteacher and the deputy headteacher.
There are:
- 14 teachers responsible for a class. 2 classes have 2 teachers each
- 1 non-class based maths teacher
- 11 teaching assistants
The admin team has 6 members of staff.
Maryland Primary School in Newham has